Elementary Education

Elementary School - 1st year

First Year: Playful Learning and Literacy

In the first year, our class is made up of children who turn six years old by March 31st. On a daily basis, we emphasize playful learning situations that immerse children in bilingualism, bringing them ever closer to a second language.

During classes taught in Portuguese, our pedagogical approach focuses on literacy. This provides ample opportunities for our young learners to become familiar with the alphabetic writing system. Progressively, children begin to produce texts, even if they have not yet mastered conventional spelling. This means that, even without the ability to write and read autonomously and spelling correctly, they can count on the help of more experienced colleagues and the teacher, who acts as a scribe when necessary.

Furthermore, at different moments in the routine and in the project research process, we encourage children to explore new ways of interacting with the world. This involves exploring new ways of reading and formulating hypotheses about phenomena, testing and refuting these hypotheses, and reaching conclusions. Our approach promotes an active attitude in the construction of knowledge, with the student assuming the role of protagonist in their own learning and development journey.

Elementary School - 2nd year

Second Year: Development of Awareness and Bilingualism

In the second year, our class is made up of children who turn 7 years old by March 31st. In this age group, children begin to consciously assume their role as students. Gradually, they realize that they are part of a larger community and begin to develop the notion of otherness. This leads them to interact effectively as equal members in a group, maturing their self-regulation process.

Immersion in bilingualism to date allows students to interact in a globalized context. Children become capable of dealing with cultural differences and realize that they have a responsibility in building a world that is constantly changing. They are increasingly able to interpret, express and negotiate meanings. The development of these skills goes beyond grammatical competence and includes sociolinguistic, discursive and strategic skills.

In other areas of knowledge, we encourage students to share, build and transmit knowledge, as well as to be flexible in the face of new things. Every day, they strengthen their skills, becoming protagonists of their own learning journey.

The educational approach aims at the complete development of children, preparing them to be active members of the global community, with linguistic and social competence, promoting autonomy.

Elementary School - 3rd year

We understand that learning takes place through the multiple relationships that the learner establishes between different areas of knowledge. Therefore, at 3rd we guide our practice towards developing proposals that allow students to understand the world through dialogue, experiences and experiences that enrich the students’ repertoire, providing meaningful and consistent learning.

From this perspective, the student’s protagonism is present, and the teacher plays a fundamental role as a guide in this process.

Practices worked with students for their development and learning include “Personal Work” (a moment in the routine that values ​​the student’s choice), class meetings, the “Learning Center”, homework, experiences and immersion in bilingualism, proposals from different areas of knowledge, classes with specialist teachers and extracurricular activities that enrich students’ daily lives with diverse knowledge.

It is important to highlight that all of this is made possible by extended hours (from 8 am to 3 pm) and the presence of multipurpose teachers specialized in their areas. The curriculum is divided into classes in Portuguese and English.

Elementary School - 4th year

The pedagogical proposal of the 4th year is focused on acquiring the necessary knowledge so that the student, with an extended workload full of subjects that make up the curricular matrix, develops skills and abilities. Protagonist, the student is increasingly encouraged to develop a creative process based on new ways of looking at what seems known to them and, thus, advancing their knowledge.

The routine is structured and guarantees the student full development in the different areas of knowledge.

The work developed allows the student to understand the different contents of the series, culture, self-expression and the multifaceted communication that characterizes the contemporary world.

By recording, arguing, requesting, reporting, the student dialogues with a world without borders.

Elementary School - 5th year

In the 5th year, we deepen the knowledge we have worked on so far, providing each person with solid general training and great skills with the second language. It’s time to take another Cambridge proficiency test and certify how much immersion in bilingualism provides excellent knowledge. To expand cultural training, sensitivity and ability to deal with plurality, we work with projects and environmental studies, powerful teaching modalities that provide a broader perspective, discoveries and new ways of acting in the world.

The work is developed based on guiding questions that direct the student’s gaze towards their capabilities, respecting differences and making them the subject of their learning.

In the 5th year we work to ensure that students are autonomous, critical and participative, capable of acting in society with competence and responsibility.