Our Routine


Circle Time

Is a daily moment in our routine centered in the socialization of news, researches, library book appreciations, works of art.


Story Time

Is a magic moment of our routine, where children are invited to experience the imaginary world. We create a special cosy environment for this highly valued activity at Puzzle.


Music Class

MUSIC is another language through which the child expresses herself.

he child plays with rhythm, appreciates different sounds and feels the movement

which naturally arises from the contact with music.



Children use the LIBRARY weekly since the first year of pre-school, making the contact with books part of their world, awakening a passion for reading.

Physical Education

Physical Education

Classes aim to establish a healthy and pleasurable relation with the body, through games and activities stimulating the child´s physical and emotional development.



Measuring, pouring, adding, subtracting. These steps are part of COOKING, exercising mathematics, apart from the pleasure of making, of smelling, tact, and finally – evidently – tasting!

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Children also express themselves through VISUAL ARTS, creating and recreating, appreciating their productions and others´, establishing a pleasurable relation with art.

Pretend Play

Pretend Play

Through Pretend Play the children turn into kings, mothers, horses… Pretend play helps the child deal with frustrations, difficulties and longings.

Matrículas Abertas

A Puzzle Escola Bilíngue tem o prazer de anunciar que estamos com matrículas abertas para o próximo ano letivo!