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Confúcio (Chinese thinker, 551 – 479 B.C.) The Chinese master defends that for learning to be worthwhile it must involve thought, i.e., that the learners have challenges or problems to resolve. Teaching practice shows us that there is much thought in children´s actions.

Reading aloud is one of the most important ways you can help your child learn to read and write – and it´s never too early to start! Through sharing books with parents, children learn to turn the pages, to talk about the story and the pictures, to join with parts they know well, and gradually to recognize words on the page.

Education is much more than transmitting knowledge and abilities

For those of you who have little contact with the countryside, we suggest an outing with your child which will feel as if you are out of the city.


Matrículas Abertas

A Puzzle Escola Bilíngue tem o prazer de anunciar que estamos com matrículas abertas para o próximo ano letivo!