

Our theatre classes are innovative. They happen through a dynamic and contemporary methodology, respecting each student’s potential – even within collective activities – and helps to develop concentration, memorization, improvisation, creativity, disinhibition, facial and body expression, as much as the expressivity and communication in general. Challenging the stage is the final step in the process. At the end of each year, everyone participates in a play adapted to the age group. An extremely rich mixture of body movements, gestures and feelings. This type of activity gives the child a different experience in physical practices, due to the delight and to the fun, as well as the reunion of many physical abilities proposed. Apart from the aim of giving students the knowledge of circus activities, rescuing its values and giving the child the magic and fantasy that are remarkable in the circus characteristics, it also helps in the learning process, giving the child an interest in overcoming his/her physical and intellectual limits, stimulating discipline, motor coordination and concentration – stimulating self-esteem. It also values each individual, helping in the development of his/her potentialities and the construction of competencies. Thus considering that learning is not only restricted to the simple exercise of certain abilities and competences, and to the practices of intellectual, affectionate, and bodily possibilities, inter-related in all situations, this proposal has the aim to contribute to the student’s psychomotor development, and consequently, to the formation of personality and character, with the aim of an effective integration in social life.

Matrículas Abertas

A Puzzle Escola Bilíngue tem o prazer de anunciar que estamos com matrículas abertas para o próximo ano letivo!